Temperature in the center of Warsaw, Poland
52°13'20 N · 21°01'09 E
Now: 11.8°C (16:45 CET)

Last 24 hours:
min: 6.2 (04:15 CET)
max: 15.0 (12:30 CET)
avg: 9.9

Since 20-11-2005:
min: -21.6 (22.01.06 07:45)
max: 39.1 (17.07.07 17:30)
avg: 10.8
Now: 53.3°F (16:45 CET)

Last 24 hours:
min: 43.1 (04:15 CET)
max: 59.0 (12:30 CET)
avg: 49.8

Since 20-11-2005:
min: -6.9 (22.01.06 07:45)
max: 102.3 (17.07.07 17:30)
avg: 51.5
last 24 hours Central European Time (GMT +1:00)
Temperature sensor Maxim/Dallas DS18B20 is located in the center of Warsaw, near Konstytucji Square.
It is placed at the height of some 15 m above ground on a shady building wall exposed to NNW.
Measurements are taken every 15 minutes. The accuracy of the sensor is ±0.5°C.
 ushuaia.pl · yerba mate · 1-wire humidity and SHT11/SHT21
aktualna temperatura w Warszawie current temperature in Warsaw, Poland